Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What's cooking for Christmas?

Only 2 weeks to Christmas and I bet some of you are already thinking about what you will make for Christmas dinner and lunch.

In a previous post, we suggested you give yourself a break and go out for a succulent Christmas lunch or dinner - a great idea for those who don't want to spend too much time in the kitchen!

However, for those of you who enjoy the fine art of meal making and entertaining, we would like to suggest a few ideas for your Christmas menu.

1. Go spanish with the tapas!

Tapas is great for Christmas party gatherings, especially if all your guests don't know each other. Create a nice atmosphere, get some good wine and some interesting finger foods which will get your guests talking. Try some cured meats, olives, cheeses and the tortilla de patatas (Spanish Omelette).

For a recipe of the Spanish Omelette, click here. Trust me, it will be one of the best things you have ever eaten!

2. The Bûche de Noël, most commnoly known as The Yule Log

Yummy Yule Log
Eaten mostly in Great Britain and French Speaking Europe, the Yule Log is a delicacy you will love and which will delight your family and your guests. We found a terrific recipe on the Junior MasterChef website which you may want to try. Note: you can even try it after Christmas as a treat for the family.

3. Roast Turkey for a traditional Christmas menu

Who could forget the roast, a traditional Christmas main in Anglo-saxon countries, the roast turkey is not hard to make. If you're not into turkey that much, try roast chicken instead, and be adventurous with the stuffing. Surf the net for recipes, each more tempting that the other! We would like to share one which looks particularly tantalising, the lemon roast turkey with hazelnut and fig stuffing....yummy!!

4. Christmas BBQ 

Neil Perry's BBQ Freshwater Prawns in a Herb & Spice Paste
It is well known that Australian love their BBQs. As Christmas is in the hot summer months, a BBQ outdoors is perfect for a relaxed family gathering. Try some seafood this Christmas - we found you a recipe from Neil Perry here. Accompany the dish with some chilled white wine et voila!

5. Gingerbread house

A favourite in European countries like France, Germany and Sweden. If you like the gingerbread man then you will love the gingerbread house. It isn't as complicated as it looks, and is a great way to keep the kids occupied while you go about preparing the other items on your menu. Try it this Christmas!

For more recipes, try my favorite site - just looking at the images will make you hungry!
Unending list of Christmas desserts
Christmas menu plans

So tell us, what will you be cooking this Christmas?

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